Anyone else involved in FI?

Football stock market, where punters can buy and trade professional players with real cash.
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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

Art Vandelay wrote: 11 Aug 2019, 00:42 Hello again, thought I'd pop in and report back. It's going well 8-)

What I find a bit weird is how much players' prices rise after a goal or two, I know there are the dividends to come but that's nowhere near the price rise. I can understand it for someone like McGinn because a lot of people maybe just weren't really aware of him until today but Kane and Salah being regular scorers can't have come a big surprise :?

Anyway, I'm very much involved in this now. I mostly went with players I thought had gone a bit unnoticed so far and will become more popular in the future eg. Pukki, Maupay, McBurnie, Abraham. Best buy and biggest investment is John McGinn - he's up 30p already. Only player down in value is Benrahma, I guess a lot of people were buying/holding on in case he got a move to the Premier and then sold when he didn't.

Then a couple of safe ones in Sterling and Salah. I was thinking they'd just be steady long term holds with decent dividend returns but Sterling's up over 60p already :shock: Then a few players who just seemed underpriced compared with similar types eg Vardy, Lanzini. So far so good......
Essentially the answer to this is that there are plenty of mugs/fish and some of this irrationality is predictable and therefore easy to make money from.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

Mav3rick wrote: 11 Aug 2019, 05:10 So who is it that's actually losing to pay for the rising share prices? If it's a market, then (ignoring platform fees) it should be a zero sum game, right?

So are there lots of mug punters buying high and selling low or is it basically a pyramid/MLM scheme right now where rising prices are just caused by active player numbers increasing?
This is the thing that comes up time and time again. At the moment more money is flowing into the market than is flowing out of the market, significantly so. It means that it is quite hard not to make money! Even bad trades will turn profitable if you hang onto them long enough.

There will come a point (a long way down the track) when the market reaches its peak and at that point it will be a zero-sum game (or worse) and you will need an edge to profit. At the moment if you have an edge then you're looking at a very healthy rate of return.

It does share properties of a pyramid scheme but the fundamental difference is that the shares (bets) do have an intrinsic value - dividend returns which Football Index are liable for.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by S_sutton87 »

About to dabble in this any advice to start with?

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

S_sutton87 wrote: 14 Dec 2019, 09:06 About to dabble in this any advice to start with?

Sent from my H8216 using Tapatalk
Message me. Happy to help.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

A little update for people. I joined Football Index on 17th April this year and despite lots of mistakes, I’ve made 51.78%. If my maths is right, I need to make 1.3419% every week this year to have doubled my money by 30th December which I think is very doable. Never too late to join - we have nine of us now in the FISO Football Index group all happy to help with questions.


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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by bspittles »

Can you explain, in simple terms, where the money comes from to pay dividends?

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

Money invested into the shares from investors and commission payments from selling futures (shares).

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by bspittles »

So the money paid out is dependent on other people buying new shares in players?

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by CBN »

To a degree, yes.

I found the following quite instructive (from their equity raising):

We believe our business model is significantly different from anything that has preceded it in the gambling sector. Please request a dedicated document that goes into this aspect of our business in more detail.

In summary:
Every Virtual Share in existence is a fixed odds bet that has been issued by us at whatever the purchase price was at the time of issue. We receive all that issue price as gross profit.

From Gross Profit we deduct dividend payouts that will be due on that Share over time - an estimated 20%.

15% Gambling Tax is due only on 'closed bets' (once a customer has sold his share and no longer holds it as an open bet) and where the customer 'loses' (ie sells his 'bet' for less than he bought it for). We estimate that no more than 5% gambling tax will be due in any month on Shares issued, as shares are generally held for a significant period and it's been very rare to date that they have been sold for less than the purchase price.

It's important to point out that some shares purchased by Users have been 'pre-issued' and are currently held by another player, consequently the selling player receives the sale price and we receive only 2% trading commission. We only 'issue a new share' in response to 'excess demand' for that footballer (rather than excess supply).

During the period of our Test Campaign 71% of Shares purchased were issued directly by us and were not offered for sale by Users in the market.

Gross Gambling Yield (profit) on the £17bn bet on football this year is likely to be less than 4.5%. Our margin is demonstrably considerably higher than that figure.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by 12345678 »

i've always avoided this simon as it always had a 'feel' of pyramid selling about it.

intrigued by this 'Gross Gambling Yield (profit) on the £17bn bet on football this year is likely to be less than 4.5%. Our margin is demonstrably considerably higher than that figure.' so they are saying they take far more than 4.5% off punters i guess. not something you would expect them to be keen to promote!

i am always surprised how some FF games try to make inroads into the UK market with 10% rakes, given that punters can obtain such comparatively low margins with bookies.

i have always suspected that is why players like DK & FD have either failed in the UK market or not tried too hard.

that said fanteam are at 10% and seem to have made some progress albeit some don't fill sufficiently for a 10% rake to be achieved.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by blahblah »

So they do random bets using the money invested and dribbling more shares and new players....

That makes sense as I had thought this was a straight more money means higher prices etc.

Zaha with a move?

2nd tier bright young thing....

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by Art Vandelay »

Well, wish I hadn't got involved in that.

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by eastcentral1 »

Art Vandelay wrote:Well, wish I hadn't got involved in that.
Should have stuck to the importer / exporter business

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by Art Vandelay »

Definitely. Even pretending to be a marine biologist would have been better :(

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by admin »

- Football Index: What has happened to online betting company and what has the fallout been?

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by admin »

BBC News - Football Index collapse: 'I lost £4,000 in seven days'

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by quizking »

This may be of wider interest, not just re FI; ... -collapse/

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Re: Anyone else involved in FI?

Post by RedPandaOfDoom »

Terrible news about them and Footstock.

How's about turning an eye to FootballCoin?

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