Forum Rules – updated 10th January 2014
These rules supersede the previous Forum Etiquette and come into force immediately and are linked to admin's announcement on changes to forum management and moderation.
The aim of the FISO forums is to provide the structure for a friendly but vibrant fantasy sports community. We hope you enjoy your stay and have fun talking with other fantasy sports fans.
We remind you that when registering for FISO, members agreed terms and conditions (T&Cs) confirming that they would not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws. Also that by posting on FISO you agree to be bound by these rules and accept that any time that you fail to comply with any of these rules there may be sanctions implemented against you by members of the Moderating Team as set out in the Moderating Procedure Guidelines.
The rules below cover all aspects of your submissions on FISO. This includes, but is not limited to forum posts, avatar choice, your website link, email address, location, FS record and private messages.
General Etiquette
Forum Rules
Legal Rules
General Rules
Moderation Policy
Legal Disclaimer
About FISO
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FISO Forum Rules
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
- FS Record: winning is a distant memory
- FPL:
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
- FS Record: winning is a distant memory
- FPL:
Re: FISO Forum Rules
General Etiquette
Lurk to start with
Browse first
Register your account
Post on the appropriate forum
Get to know the moderators
Reporting Posts
Use the search feature
Create descriptive titles
Post your thread to just one forum
Stay on topic
Welcome newcomers
Respect our diversity
Guard your privacy
Guard others' privacy
FISO events
Commercial and charitable posts
Industry professionals
Avoid out of date threads
Posting about tragedies
Posting of images
Ignore spammers
User rankings
Chairing Mini-leagues
Financial dealings with other FISO members
The number one rule of FISO is don’t be intentionally annoying; Be polite, be mature, keep your language clean and respect the opinions of others (even if you disagree). Further detailed guidelines are below. If in doubt on Forum Rules then please feel free to contact a Moderator who will be happy to help. You can see which Moderators are currently online by looking at the bottom of the Forum Index page.
Lurk to start with
It might be intimidating at first to post a message. No problem. You're welcome to hang out and read posts until you feel comfortable. Lurk (anonymously observe) before you leap. Of course, we encourage you to join the discussions. We have a very supportive community and we welcome your contributions. Before you can post, you must register with FISO and establish a username. Your username is a unique and consistent identifier. Your username may not be a Web site or email address. If you register your username as such, your account will be closed, and you will need to reregister. If you have concerns that a new username is very close to your own, contact Admin at
Browse first
Before you post, browse the board to become familiar with the community. When you jump into a forum, do not post any comments right away. Try to read and catch up with what is going on and observe what people are saying. After you feel comfortable and think you are ready to add useful information/comments to the conversation, please do so. If you are looking for certain information you may find it has already been posted on the relevant forum so have a look through the recent topic titles and the Sticky/Announcement threads on the relevant forums or use the forums' search facility - located via the top menu bar. At the very least, please read the Latest Topics page before posting - you may find your question/information has already recently been answered/posted.
Register your account
Go to the registration page and fill in all of the required fields. You will be sent an email with a confirmation link which you must click to activate your account. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder and after 24 hours if you still have not received an email please contact
Please keep in mind when registering your account that all of the forum rules also apply to usernames, avatar pictures and every other field we have created to allow you to personalise your own profile. You are only allowed one account, and only one person should have access to each account. Your account is your responsibility. If your account breaks the rules in any way then it may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, even if you as a person are not the one who entered the offending information.
When first registering, your account will be on probation until you have successfully made a number of posts. This means that all of your posts will have to be checked and approved by a member of the moderation team. This is mostly to prevent spam and advertising.
We do not wish to restrict your right to display personal views, ideology, etc. but do ask that you remain respectful of others in your avatar.
Avatars that contain links will not be allowed. Avatars are subject to the FISO content standards concerning decency, obscenity, the furthering of illegal activities and offensive language. As with any postings on FISO, personal attacks are never permitted. Note that this list is not exhaustive and that the ultimate decision on the permissibility of an Avatar rests with the moderation team.
Post on the appropriate forum
There are a number of different sections within this forum - the full list is on the Forum Index page. We appreciate that there are a large number but please try to use the appropriate forum when starting a new topic. Read the forum descriptions to determine where your post best belongs. Messages relating to a specific fantasy football game should be posted on that game's own forum and if a forum has not been set up for that game then please use the 'Other Fantasy Football Games' Forum. If posting your team line ups, e.g. for rating, guidance or advice purposes, each of the major game forums has a Rate My Team (RMT) forum for specific team advice/queries.
Player or team news (e.g. injury news) should be posted in the Team News forum. Football topics not related to Fantasy Football should be posted on the Football Talk forum. Many other major sports have their own Fantasy Forums. We also have a Betting forum, a Health and Fitness forum and a News and Politics Forum amongst many others. Misplaced threads will be relocated by moderators.
Get to know the moderators
Our volunteer moderators are responsible for welcoming new members and assisting all members. They have been screened and were selected to serve based on their judgement and ability to uphold the FISO rules. If you have questions, contact a moderator. Moderators are also labelled as such by their username being in green or blue and a full list can be found here. Moderators contribute to threads just as other members do. They are held to the same standards when posting as any other member. They do moderate the forums and look for rule violations. They may delete and edit posts and close threads without notice. They may discipline and suspend members who fail to adhere to the rules (see Moderation Policy for more information). Moderators understand that the various FISO forums have slightly different tones. What's acceptable in one forum may be considered out of line on another.
Reporting posts
It is not possible for moderators to read every post in every thread, so we request that should any member come across something that they consider to be breaking any of our rules to report the post(s) using the red exclamation mark
to the right of the end of each post. After reporting a post in this way then please ignore that post entirely. Do not respond to it or reproduce it, as doing so will risk sanctions against yourself, especially if your response escalates the situation or causes any other problems which the moderation team then have to deal with.
Do not use the reporting feature just because you dislike a member or their argument. The report function is only there for when a post breaks these rules or is in any other way offensive, indecent or improper.
Use the search feature
Before starting a thread, use the search feature to see if there's a recent thread on your topic. Many questions come up repeatedly on FISO. If you're wondering about a specific player in Fantasy Premier League, for example, there's a good chance a thread - or ten - already exists. The search link is located in the navigation bar near the bottom of the Forums page. Keeping information on the same topic confined to as few threads as possible helps members quickly find the information they need.
Create descriptive titles
Make thread titles as specific and descriptive as possible. Sometimes members will start a thread with a very general title such as, "Guess what?" or "He’s only gone and done it again". Be as helpful as possible in your thread titles. The thread starter can also edit their first post and change the title of a thread, which may be useful when the thread is based on information which is later found to be misleading or incorrect.
Post your thread to just one forum
Don't post the same thread more than once. Our members read many forums, and weeding through the same message in multiple forums can be frustrating. Duplicate threads will be deleted, combined or locked.
Stay on topic
Please do try and keep to the topic of the thread. If you want to raise a new issue then consider whether a new topic is more appropriate.
Welcome newcomers
FISO is friendly, informative, fun and thriving. When newcomers arrive, welcome them. By helping folks learn, you provide a shining example of what this community is about, and you help ensure that FISO continues to flourish. New members may not understand FISO and its history as well as you do. Remember we were all newbies once. If you notice a member, newcomer or not, asking a question that has been answered previously or is answered in the forum Rules & Guidelines, please be patient. If you wish to reply, do so in a helpful manner, avoiding simply saying: "Do a search."
Respect our diversity
FISO members come from all walks of life and all parts of the world. We are as diverse in our make up as we are alike in our passion for sport & fantasy sports. Because we all bring a unique perspective to the forum, our collective experience is broadened, and we gain new insights. Our diversity demands that we respect each other. Due to the inherent constraints of the Internet, humour, sarcasm, language and slang can be easily misinterpreted - especially when crossing cultural boundaries. When posting a message, pay extra care to how it might be interpreted. And when you come across a post that offends you, read it with an eye toward giving the member the benefit of the doubt. If you have an issue with a post, please contact the member privately or contact a moderator. Do not make a situation worse by publicly responding.
Guard your privacy
Keep personal information personal. If you want to share your personal information with another member of the community, do so via e-mail or private message. FISO respects members' privacy. None of your personal information will be posted on the forums unless you post it yourself.
Guard others' privacy
Do not post names, addresses, phone numbers or e-mails of other people without their express consent. This information will be removed by moderators. Posts that ask members to submit personal information will be removed. This includes, but is not limited to, communications that ask for personal information submitted via e-mail, mail, telephone, surveys, or research studies unless this request is specifically approved in advance by site administration.
FISO events
Many FISO members get together socially, and there are often FISO events throughout the world. Members may plan and announce events on that forum. Events announced on FISO must be open to all community members.
Commercial and charitable posts
a) Commercial posts containing promotional messages for commercial products or services - including but not limited to Internet sites and business advertisements are generally prohibited and will be removed. However admin is willing to accept requests, particularly from members that contribute positively to the forum, so if you have a product or service that you would like to advertise, please contact admin
b) Charitable posts. From time to time members will link to a charity donation/organization that they are collecting funds for. Any posts soliciting charitable contributions must be made in a friendly environment and should not be posted more than once. Any members deemed to ask for charity donations in a threatening or heavy handed way; or to be asking for donations to a charity that go against the T&Cs of FISO will see the post removed, with possible disciplinary actions.
Avoid out of date threads
Unless there is a compelling reason, avoid bumping threads that have not been posted in for a long time. Often the information is out-dated and it can lead confusion. This action also clogs the forums, making it difficult to find current threads.
Posting about tragedies
a) FISO has had its share of tragedies, having experienced the death of several active and lapsed members in the past. We continue to celebrate their contributions through posts on FISO. These matters are always personal and should be treated with respect.
b) When famous people die or wider notable tragedies happen we ask that all members remain respectful, no matter the true feelings towards the person or group of people involved. Any disrespectful posts shall be removed and the member involved can be subject to the disciplinary process.
Posting of images
FISO welcomes members to embed non-animated images in certain forums. All images must meet community standards and must convey relevant on-topic information. Images should be as small as needed to get the point across without being overbearing. Images that are offensive, irrelevant or violate the T&Cs will be removed and members posting such images may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, loss of image-posting privileges in one or more forums. Members are responsible for the content of images embedded in their posts whether it is the image intended to be and/or originally posted or not.
Ignore spammers
Spam is a blight upon the face of the net. Nobody likes it. However, it is hard to avoid. Despite our best efforts, you will very occasionally see spam on the forums. Complaining about spam in public increases noise, but not signal. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help. Report the spam post using the 'report post' button.
Links to relevant news sources are encouraged. In particular, when posting injury news please provide the source for the information. If you wish to post links to your Fantasy Sports related website on the FISO forums then please first provide a link back to
User rankings
FISO operates a system of user titles based on post count. For details on the username ranking descriptions please read this thread.
Chairing mini-leagues
Please note the 5th post in this thread when deciding whether to join or set up a Mini-League where a prize may be won by the Chairman of the mini-league.
Financial dealings with other FISO members
Any financial dealings (e.g. ticket sales, prize M/Ls, holiday apartment letting, etc.) are not sanctioned by FISO. Both sides of any deal are taking the full risk themselves and that post count, length of membership or status does in no way indicate trustworthiness of a FISO member.
If you have any questions as to whether something is acceptable, send a private message to a moderator.
Lurk to start with
Browse first
Register your account
Post on the appropriate forum
Get to know the moderators
Reporting Posts
Use the search feature
Create descriptive titles
Post your thread to just one forum
Stay on topic
Welcome newcomers
Respect our diversity
Guard your privacy
Guard others' privacy
FISO events
Commercial and charitable posts
Industry professionals
Avoid out of date threads
Posting about tragedies
Posting of images
Ignore spammers
User rankings
Chairing Mini-leagues
Financial dealings with other FISO members
The number one rule of FISO is don’t be intentionally annoying; Be polite, be mature, keep your language clean and respect the opinions of others (even if you disagree). Further detailed guidelines are below. If in doubt on Forum Rules then please feel free to contact a Moderator who will be happy to help. You can see which Moderators are currently online by looking at the bottom of the Forum Index page.
Lurk to start with
It might be intimidating at first to post a message. No problem. You're welcome to hang out and read posts until you feel comfortable. Lurk (anonymously observe) before you leap. Of course, we encourage you to join the discussions. We have a very supportive community and we welcome your contributions. Before you can post, you must register with FISO and establish a username. Your username is a unique and consistent identifier. Your username may not be a Web site or email address. If you register your username as such, your account will be closed, and you will need to reregister. If you have concerns that a new username is very close to your own, contact Admin at
Browse first
Before you post, browse the board to become familiar with the community. When you jump into a forum, do not post any comments right away. Try to read and catch up with what is going on and observe what people are saying. After you feel comfortable and think you are ready to add useful information/comments to the conversation, please do so. If you are looking for certain information you may find it has already been posted on the relevant forum so have a look through the recent topic titles and the Sticky/Announcement threads on the relevant forums or use the forums' search facility - located via the top menu bar. At the very least, please read the Latest Topics page before posting - you may find your question/information has already recently been answered/posted.
Register your account
Go to the registration page and fill in all of the required fields. You will be sent an email with a confirmation link which you must click to activate your account. If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder and after 24 hours if you still have not received an email please contact
Please keep in mind when registering your account that all of the forum rules also apply to usernames, avatar pictures and every other field we have created to allow you to personalise your own profile. You are only allowed one account, and only one person should have access to each account. Your account is your responsibility. If your account breaks the rules in any way then it may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, even if you as a person are not the one who entered the offending information.
When first registering, your account will be on probation until you have successfully made a number of posts. This means that all of your posts will have to be checked and approved by a member of the moderation team. This is mostly to prevent spam and advertising.
We do not wish to restrict your right to display personal views, ideology, etc. but do ask that you remain respectful of others in your avatar.
Avatars that contain links will not be allowed. Avatars are subject to the FISO content standards concerning decency, obscenity, the furthering of illegal activities and offensive language. As with any postings on FISO, personal attacks are never permitted. Note that this list is not exhaustive and that the ultimate decision on the permissibility of an Avatar rests with the moderation team.
Post on the appropriate forum
There are a number of different sections within this forum - the full list is on the Forum Index page. We appreciate that there are a large number but please try to use the appropriate forum when starting a new topic. Read the forum descriptions to determine where your post best belongs. Messages relating to a specific fantasy football game should be posted on that game's own forum and if a forum has not been set up for that game then please use the 'Other Fantasy Football Games' Forum. If posting your team line ups, e.g. for rating, guidance or advice purposes, each of the major game forums has a Rate My Team (RMT) forum for specific team advice/queries.
Player or team news (e.g. injury news) should be posted in the Team News forum. Football topics not related to Fantasy Football should be posted on the Football Talk forum. Many other major sports have their own Fantasy Forums. We also have a Betting forum, a Health and Fitness forum and a News and Politics Forum amongst many others. Misplaced threads will be relocated by moderators.
Get to know the moderators
Our volunteer moderators are responsible for welcoming new members and assisting all members. They have been screened and were selected to serve based on their judgement and ability to uphold the FISO rules. If you have questions, contact a moderator. Moderators are also labelled as such by their username being in green or blue and a full list can be found here. Moderators contribute to threads just as other members do. They are held to the same standards when posting as any other member. They do moderate the forums and look for rule violations. They may delete and edit posts and close threads without notice. They may discipline and suspend members who fail to adhere to the rules (see Moderation Policy for more information). Moderators understand that the various FISO forums have slightly different tones. What's acceptable in one forum may be considered out of line on another.
Reporting posts
It is not possible for moderators to read every post in every thread, so we request that should any member come across something that they consider to be breaking any of our rules to report the post(s) using the red exclamation mark

Do not use the reporting feature just because you dislike a member or their argument. The report function is only there for when a post breaks these rules or is in any other way offensive, indecent or improper.
Use the search feature
Before starting a thread, use the search feature to see if there's a recent thread on your topic. Many questions come up repeatedly on FISO. If you're wondering about a specific player in Fantasy Premier League, for example, there's a good chance a thread - or ten - already exists. The search link is located in the navigation bar near the bottom of the Forums page. Keeping information on the same topic confined to as few threads as possible helps members quickly find the information they need.
Create descriptive titles
Make thread titles as specific and descriptive as possible. Sometimes members will start a thread with a very general title such as, "Guess what?" or "He’s only gone and done it again". Be as helpful as possible in your thread titles. The thread starter can also edit their first post and change the title of a thread, which may be useful when the thread is based on information which is later found to be misleading or incorrect.
Post your thread to just one forum
Don't post the same thread more than once. Our members read many forums, and weeding through the same message in multiple forums can be frustrating. Duplicate threads will be deleted, combined or locked.
Stay on topic
Please do try and keep to the topic of the thread. If you want to raise a new issue then consider whether a new topic is more appropriate.
Welcome newcomers
FISO is friendly, informative, fun and thriving. When newcomers arrive, welcome them. By helping folks learn, you provide a shining example of what this community is about, and you help ensure that FISO continues to flourish. New members may not understand FISO and its history as well as you do. Remember we were all newbies once. If you notice a member, newcomer or not, asking a question that has been answered previously or is answered in the forum Rules & Guidelines, please be patient. If you wish to reply, do so in a helpful manner, avoiding simply saying: "Do a search."
Respect our diversity
FISO members come from all walks of life and all parts of the world. We are as diverse in our make up as we are alike in our passion for sport & fantasy sports. Because we all bring a unique perspective to the forum, our collective experience is broadened, and we gain new insights. Our diversity demands that we respect each other. Due to the inherent constraints of the Internet, humour, sarcasm, language and slang can be easily misinterpreted - especially when crossing cultural boundaries. When posting a message, pay extra care to how it might be interpreted. And when you come across a post that offends you, read it with an eye toward giving the member the benefit of the doubt. If you have an issue with a post, please contact the member privately or contact a moderator. Do not make a situation worse by publicly responding.
Guard your privacy
Keep personal information personal. If you want to share your personal information with another member of the community, do so via e-mail or private message. FISO respects members' privacy. None of your personal information will be posted on the forums unless you post it yourself.
Guard others' privacy
Do not post names, addresses, phone numbers or e-mails of other people without their express consent. This information will be removed by moderators. Posts that ask members to submit personal information will be removed. This includes, but is not limited to, communications that ask for personal information submitted via e-mail, mail, telephone, surveys, or research studies unless this request is specifically approved in advance by site administration.
FISO events
Many FISO members get together socially, and there are often FISO events throughout the world. Members may plan and announce events on that forum. Events announced on FISO must be open to all community members.
Commercial and charitable posts
a) Commercial posts containing promotional messages for commercial products or services - including but not limited to Internet sites and business advertisements are generally prohibited and will be removed. However admin is willing to accept requests, particularly from members that contribute positively to the forum, so if you have a product or service that you would like to advertise, please contact admin
b) Charitable posts. From time to time members will link to a charity donation/organization that they are collecting funds for. Any posts soliciting charitable contributions must be made in a friendly environment and should not be posted more than once. Any members deemed to ask for charity donations in a threatening or heavy handed way; or to be asking for donations to a charity that go against the T&Cs of FISO will see the post removed, with possible disciplinary actions.
Avoid out of date threads
Unless there is a compelling reason, avoid bumping threads that have not been posted in for a long time. Often the information is out-dated and it can lead confusion. This action also clogs the forums, making it difficult to find current threads.
Posting about tragedies
a) FISO has had its share of tragedies, having experienced the death of several active and lapsed members in the past. We continue to celebrate their contributions through posts on FISO. These matters are always personal and should be treated with respect.
b) When famous people die or wider notable tragedies happen we ask that all members remain respectful, no matter the true feelings towards the person or group of people involved. Any disrespectful posts shall be removed and the member involved can be subject to the disciplinary process.
Posting of images
FISO welcomes members to embed non-animated images in certain forums. All images must meet community standards and must convey relevant on-topic information. Images should be as small as needed to get the point across without being overbearing. Images that are offensive, irrelevant or violate the T&Cs will be removed and members posting such images may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, loss of image-posting privileges in one or more forums. Members are responsible for the content of images embedded in their posts whether it is the image intended to be and/or originally posted or not.
Ignore spammers
Spam is a blight upon the face of the net. Nobody likes it. However, it is hard to avoid. Despite our best efforts, you will very occasionally see spam on the forums. Complaining about spam in public increases noise, but not signal. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help. Report the spam post using the 'report post' button.
Links to relevant news sources are encouraged. In particular, when posting injury news please provide the source for the information. If you wish to post links to your Fantasy Sports related website on the FISO forums then please first provide a link back to
User rankings
FISO operates a system of user titles based on post count. For details on the username ranking descriptions please read this thread.
Chairing mini-leagues
Please note the 5th post in this thread when deciding whether to join or set up a Mini-League where a prize may be won by the Chairman of the mini-league.
Financial dealings with other FISO members
Any financial dealings (e.g. ticket sales, prize M/Ls, holiday apartment letting, etc.) are not sanctioned by FISO. Both sides of any deal are taking the full risk themselves and that post count, length of membership or status does in no way indicate trustworthiness of a FISO member.
If you have any questions as to whether something is acceptable, send a private message to a moderator.
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
- FS Record: winning is a distant memory
- FPL:
Re: FISO Forum Rules
Forum Rules
This list is not intended to be fully exhaustive, but rather to demonstrate the various actions which may attract the attention of the moderation team and disciplinary actions against the member.
Posting on FISO is not a right, it is a privilege. Any member may be restricted from posting in any area of this site, or from posting at all, for any reason including anything not covered by the rules that follow. By posting you are granting limited use to all posted material to FISO. Specifically, retention or removal of any post from FISO is solely at the discretion of the site moderation team, and members may reproduce the posts of others in full or in part as part of ongoing discussions.
This list is split into 2 sections. The first describes serious breaches that may also constitute crimes against UK law. The second section describes less serious breaches that will nonetheless lead to moderator action and possible disciplinary action.
Legal Rules
These rules will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, without giving effect to any conflict with laws or provisions of your actual state or country of residence. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision or portion of the rules to be unenforceable, the remainder of the rules will continue in full force and effect.
Any breach of these rules will be dealt with in the strictest possible way, and the relevant authorities may be notified and sent the IP address and registration information of the offending member.
Hate Speech
Obscenity / Indecency
Threats / Incitement to violence
Copyrighted material
Contempt of court
Incitement to crime / Assisting in crime
Hate speech
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom are found in several statutes. Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, or sexual orientation is forbidden. Any communication which is threatening, abusive or insulting, and is intended to harass, alarm, or distress someone is forbidden.
Obscenity / Indecency
Obscene material is defined as “likely to deprave or corrupt.” Indecent material is defined as “lewd or offensive.” Any material which conforms to either definition under UK law is forbidden. Please keep in mind that children are able to read this forum, before posting ask yourself whether you would want a child of yours to be able to view the content of your post.
Threats / Incitement to violence
Any threat of violence is forbidden. It is irrelevant if the person making the threat is likely to ever be willing or able to ever carry out that threat. Any incitement to cause or provoke any other person to commit any violent act is also forbidden.
Any attempt to defraud any other person is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to offering goods or services for sale without intention to complete the transaction honestly; misrepresenting yourself or another as a qualified practitioner of a profession in which you or they are not qualified; seeking any financial gain through deception or other misrepresentation.
Copyrighted material
Distribution of copyrighted material by anyone other than the owner of the copyright is forbidden. This includes directly posting the material, or posting any directions about how to illegally find that material in any other place either digitally or in hard copy.
Sometimes a user may ask for a link to a live stream for a football match. These links are illegal under UK law and should not be posted on the forum.
Contempt of court
Posting any material which is in direct breach of any court order, court injunction or any other form of legal protection is forbidden.
Incitement to crime / Assisting in crime
Posting any material that is intended to incite any crime is forbidden. Posting any material that is likely to assist anyone else in committing crime is forbidden. This includes incitement or assistance in committing a crime in any foreign jurisdiction that would also be a crime in the UK.
General Rules
Deliberately misquoting other members
Using more than one FISO account to mislead members
Sharing your account with others
Posting private emails and messages without the author's permission
Discussing specific moderator actions
Personal disputes with other members or groups
Circular arguments
Personal topics
Excessively quoting your own posts
Obscene or offensive language/material
Invasion of another's privacy
Inappropriate posting formats
Word Censor
Post stalking
Repeated posting of disruptive posts
Spurious reports
Abuse of private messaging and emails
Deliberately misquoting other members
You may use the quote feature to respond to specific posts from other members. However, changing the meaning or words of a quote while still attributing it to the other member without making it clear which changes have been made is a violation of FISO’s rules. Anyone doing so will be subject to the disciplinary process. (The use of ellipsis to show a quote was abbreviated is allowed, so long as the original meaning is not lost.)
Using multiple FISO accounts to mislead members
Members are allowed one FISO account. In the past some members used multiple handles to harass other members. Multiple accounts will be closed and involved members will be subject to the disciplinary process.
Sharing your account with others
Just like each person is only allowed one account, each account is only allowed one owner. Sharing your account details with anyone else is not allowed, and if they break the rules from your account then your account may still be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Posting private emails and messages without the author's permission
This is an invasion of privacy, possibly unlawful, and members who violate this will be subject to the disciplinary process.
Discussing specific moderator actions
On-board discussion of moderator decisions - including post deletions and member discipline - is not allowed and will be removed. Members will also be subject to disciplinary action. Similarly, posts announcing a member's return to FISO after a suspension or ban are not allowed. If you have a question about a moderator action, contact the moderator directly or the Head Moderator.
Personal disputes with other members or groups
We encourage a healthy exchange of opinions. If you disagree with another member, challenge the opinion or idea - not the person. Personal attacks, insults and "flaming" will not be tolerated and will be removed, and the violator will be subject to disciplinary action. You may challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Do not retaliate or respond to a personal attack. Too often, when an initial attack is made, others join the fray and, instead of becoming part of the solution, become part of the problem. Do not accuse others of being trolls.
Should there be members whose posts you don't care to read, you can put them on your ignore list. To do that, click on the profile of the user and then under their avatar click on “Add Foe”. Confirm you want to Foe this person and you will no longer see their posts unless you choose to specifically view them. If you feel that you are being attacked or harassed, contact a moderator.
Circular arguments
There can be occasions where a number of members will not agree on a particular subject. When this happens the topic and conversation may become a circular argument with the same members arguing their point over and over. A moderator may decide to end this conversation by posting a message asking all members to move on from this topic. If any member should continue with this argument, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
Personal topics
Public posts should be open and welcoming for the entire community. Posting a thread intended to be a discussion between a limited number of members is not allowed. If you wish to have such a limited discussion please make use of the site’s messaging facility. It is possible to add more than one user in the “To” field of a message to send the same message to a group of people.
What is a troll? It's a person who posts something which is bound to stir people up and then sits back and watches as dozens of people jump in and start arguing. Sometimes trolls get their friends to join in or post under different names. Generally they will do anything it takes to get attention. If you see a message like this, report it and refrain from replying to it - it may well be edited/moved/deleted by Moderators anyway.
Any post or thread which demeans, insults or otherwise degrades another user or group of users may be considered bullying by the moderation team. Repeated posts of this nature against the same user or group of users will attract disciplinary action. If you feel you are being bullied by any user or group of users please contact one of the moderation team.
Excessively quoting your own posts
When posting you may have a view that you expect people to respond to. If other members feel that they do not want to respond, do not requote any part of your original post unless you are responding to someone questioning that post. This is deemed as potential trolling. Quoting your own posts is allowed in order to update information you provided that may now have changed or been found to be factually incorrect.
Obscene or offensive language/material
There is no public list of prohibited words or phrases; if you believe a word or phrase is questionable, don't use it. If you find a questionable message in any of the forums, contact a moderator who will determine whether the message meets our objective of offering a friendly and flame-free community for frequent travellers. Using spaces, symbols, acronyms and other methods to express vulgarities while avoiding FISO’s censors is a violation. Using expressions or words to insinuate a vulgarity is also prohibited.
Invasion of privacy
Members posting another user's private information, including but not limited to phone number, address, name or frequent flier number, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Power-posting is when board members post 'empty' messages to the board, in order to simply increase their number of posts more quickly. Examples of power-posting are replying to a message with only 'LOL' or 'I agree', but failing to contribute anything further to the discussion. If you reply to a message, make sure you have something to say. Consistent power posting clutters up the forums, clutters up the 'new posts' function, and uses extra bandwidth and server space. While we don't mind people using bandwidth to chat usefully on the board, we do mind people using it just because they want a more impressive 'post counter'. If you're not sure if you're power-posting, take a moment and think it over before you post. If all your post contains is a 'LOL' or an emoticon, it's a power-post. Posts will be removed and the post count reset. Members who engage in this are subject to disciplinary action.
Inappropriate posting formats
Posting in capitals or large text is considered as shouting so please refrain from over-use. Likewise posting in bold or colour should be used sparingly, for example where part of your post needs stressing. Please try to keep your posting style in an easily readable format. Please do not use text speak. People constantly seen as shouting will have posts removed and could be subject to disciplinary action.
Word censor
FISO contains an in-built filter which replaces obscene and vulgar material with less offensive alternatives. This filter is there for a reason (mainly to prevent common swear words appearing on FISO) and any attempt to purposely circumvent its action will be treated as breaking the forum terms. Occasionally an entry in the filter may have an unintended side effect and change an obviously acceptable word. If this happens, please PM admin so that the issue can be looked into.
Post stalking
A few members have in the past followed others around the board and posted sarcastic or hurtful comments in response to many of their posts. We consider this harassment, and will delete such posts. Anyone engaging in this activity will be subject to disciplinary action. If you suspect you're being stalked in this way, contact a moderator.
Repeated posting of disruptive posts
Members who repeatedly post items that create disruption within forums will be subject to disciplinary action.
Spurious reporting
Reporting posts which do not break any of the rules here, or which do not significantly overstep any other standard of common courtesy and decency may lead to disciplinary action.
Abuse of private messaging and emails
FISO’s private messaging and e-mails obtained through FISO, while "private", still fall under the rules established here. They should not be used for commercial purposes, to send spam, to solicit cash payments or to threaten or harass members, moderators or admin. Members who use them to circumvent the rules of the community will be subject to disciplinary action. If you receive this type of communication, report it immediately. Do not publish it on the board. Communications of FISO members to FISO moderators are subject to review by other moderators at the discretion of the moderator recipient when deemed necessary for consultative purposes. Moderators reserve the right to share such private messages with other moderators and admin at any time.
Plugging blogs, sites, podcasts, apps, scripts, etc.
More frequently than most will think, a new ID is registered for a one time post to promote something or other (most often FPL related) on FISO, most of the time it will not get approval as a visible post. The content might be useful, then again maybe of lower quality than the ongoing discussions on a wide range of topics. The scripts/ apps may well benefit the users, or maybe contain something to fleece them. We have no way of knowing so they do not get moderator approval, don't waste your time and ours by registering with the sole intention of promoting yourself, your site, your blog, or anything else. FISO is a forum for discussion, not a free marketing tool for those with no interest in contributing to the community.
This list is not intended to be fully exhaustive, but rather to demonstrate the various actions which may attract the attention of the moderation team and disciplinary actions against the member.
Posting on FISO is not a right, it is a privilege. Any member may be restricted from posting in any area of this site, or from posting at all, for any reason including anything not covered by the rules that follow. By posting you are granting limited use to all posted material to FISO. Specifically, retention or removal of any post from FISO is solely at the discretion of the site moderation team, and members may reproduce the posts of others in full or in part as part of ongoing discussions.
This list is split into 2 sections. The first describes serious breaches that may also constitute crimes against UK law. The second section describes less serious breaches that will nonetheless lead to moderator action and possible disciplinary action.
Legal Rules
These rules will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, without giving effect to any conflict with laws or provisions of your actual state or country of residence. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision or portion of the rules to be unenforceable, the remainder of the rules will continue in full force and effect.
Any breach of these rules will be dealt with in the strictest possible way, and the relevant authorities may be notified and sent the IP address and registration information of the offending member.
Hate Speech
Obscenity / Indecency
Threats / Incitement to violence
Copyrighted material
Contempt of court
Incitement to crime / Assisting in crime
Hate speech
Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom are found in several statutes. Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, or sexual orientation is forbidden. Any communication which is threatening, abusive or insulting, and is intended to harass, alarm, or distress someone is forbidden.
Obscenity / Indecency
Obscene material is defined as “likely to deprave or corrupt.” Indecent material is defined as “lewd or offensive.” Any material which conforms to either definition under UK law is forbidden. Please keep in mind that children are able to read this forum, before posting ask yourself whether you would want a child of yours to be able to view the content of your post.
Threats / Incitement to violence
Any threat of violence is forbidden. It is irrelevant if the person making the threat is likely to ever be willing or able to ever carry out that threat. Any incitement to cause or provoke any other person to commit any violent act is also forbidden.
Any attempt to defraud any other person is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to offering goods or services for sale without intention to complete the transaction honestly; misrepresenting yourself or another as a qualified practitioner of a profession in which you or they are not qualified; seeking any financial gain through deception or other misrepresentation.
Copyrighted material
Distribution of copyrighted material by anyone other than the owner of the copyright is forbidden. This includes directly posting the material, or posting any directions about how to illegally find that material in any other place either digitally or in hard copy.
Sometimes a user may ask for a link to a live stream for a football match. These links are illegal under UK law and should not be posted on the forum.
Contempt of court
Posting any material which is in direct breach of any court order, court injunction or any other form of legal protection is forbidden.
Incitement to crime / Assisting in crime
Posting any material that is intended to incite any crime is forbidden. Posting any material that is likely to assist anyone else in committing crime is forbidden. This includes incitement or assistance in committing a crime in any foreign jurisdiction that would also be a crime in the UK.
General Rules
Deliberately misquoting other members
Using more than one FISO account to mislead members
Sharing your account with others
Posting private emails and messages without the author's permission
Discussing specific moderator actions
Personal disputes with other members or groups
Circular arguments
Personal topics
Excessively quoting your own posts
Obscene or offensive language/material
Invasion of another's privacy
Inappropriate posting formats
Word Censor
Post stalking
Repeated posting of disruptive posts
Spurious reports
Abuse of private messaging and emails
Deliberately misquoting other members
You may use the quote feature to respond to specific posts from other members. However, changing the meaning or words of a quote while still attributing it to the other member without making it clear which changes have been made is a violation of FISO’s rules. Anyone doing so will be subject to the disciplinary process. (The use of ellipsis to show a quote was abbreviated is allowed, so long as the original meaning is not lost.)
Using multiple FISO accounts to mislead members
Members are allowed one FISO account. In the past some members used multiple handles to harass other members. Multiple accounts will be closed and involved members will be subject to the disciplinary process.
Sharing your account with others
Just like each person is only allowed one account, each account is only allowed one owner. Sharing your account details with anyone else is not allowed, and if they break the rules from your account then your account may still be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Posting private emails and messages without the author's permission
This is an invasion of privacy, possibly unlawful, and members who violate this will be subject to the disciplinary process.
Discussing specific moderator actions
On-board discussion of moderator decisions - including post deletions and member discipline - is not allowed and will be removed. Members will also be subject to disciplinary action. Similarly, posts announcing a member's return to FISO after a suspension or ban are not allowed. If you have a question about a moderator action, contact the moderator directly or the Head Moderator.
Personal disputes with other members or groups
We encourage a healthy exchange of opinions. If you disagree with another member, challenge the opinion or idea - not the person. Personal attacks, insults and "flaming" will not be tolerated and will be removed, and the violator will be subject to disciplinary action. You may challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. Do not retaliate or respond to a personal attack. Too often, when an initial attack is made, others join the fray and, instead of becoming part of the solution, become part of the problem. Do not accuse others of being trolls.
Should there be members whose posts you don't care to read, you can put them on your ignore list. To do that, click on the profile of the user and then under their avatar click on “Add Foe”. Confirm you want to Foe this person and you will no longer see their posts unless you choose to specifically view them. If you feel that you are being attacked or harassed, contact a moderator.
Circular arguments
There can be occasions where a number of members will not agree on a particular subject. When this happens the topic and conversation may become a circular argument with the same members arguing their point over and over. A moderator may decide to end this conversation by posting a message asking all members to move on from this topic. If any member should continue with this argument, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
Personal topics
Public posts should be open and welcoming for the entire community. Posting a thread intended to be a discussion between a limited number of members is not allowed. If you wish to have such a limited discussion please make use of the site’s messaging facility. It is possible to add more than one user in the “To” field of a message to send the same message to a group of people.
What is a troll? It's a person who posts something which is bound to stir people up and then sits back and watches as dozens of people jump in and start arguing. Sometimes trolls get their friends to join in or post under different names. Generally they will do anything it takes to get attention. If you see a message like this, report it and refrain from replying to it - it may well be edited/moved/deleted by Moderators anyway.
Any post or thread which demeans, insults or otherwise degrades another user or group of users may be considered bullying by the moderation team. Repeated posts of this nature against the same user or group of users will attract disciplinary action. If you feel you are being bullied by any user or group of users please contact one of the moderation team.
Excessively quoting your own posts
When posting you may have a view that you expect people to respond to. If other members feel that they do not want to respond, do not requote any part of your original post unless you are responding to someone questioning that post. This is deemed as potential trolling. Quoting your own posts is allowed in order to update information you provided that may now have changed or been found to be factually incorrect.
Obscene or offensive language/material
There is no public list of prohibited words or phrases; if you believe a word or phrase is questionable, don't use it. If you find a questionable message in any of the forums, contact a moderator who will determine whether the message meets our objective of offering a friendly and flame-free community for frequent travellers. Using spaces, symbols, acronyms and other methods to express vulgarities while avoiding FISO’s censors is a violation. Using expressions or words to insinuate a vulgarity is also prohibited.
Invasion of privacy
Members posting another user's private information, including but not limited to phone number, address, name or frequent flier number, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Power-posting is when board members post 'empty' messages to the board, in order to simply increase their number of posts more quickly. Examples of power-posting are replying to a message with only 'LOL' or 'I agree', but failing to contribute anything further to the discussion. If you reply to a message, make sure you have something to say. Consistent power posting clutters up the forums, clutters up the 'new posts' function, and uses extra bandwidth and server space. While we don't mind people using bandwidth to chat usefully on the board, we do mind people using it just because they want a more impressive 'post counter'. If you're not sure if you're power-posting, take a moment and think it over before you post. If all your post contains is a 'LOL' or an emoticon, it's a power-post. Posts will be removed and the post count reset. Members who engage in this are subject to disciplinary action.
Inappropriate posting formats
Posting in capitals or large text is considered as shouting so please refrain from over-use. Likewise posting in bold or colour should be used sparingly, for example where part of your post needs stressing. Please try to keep your posting style in an easily readable format. Please do not use text speak. People constantly seen as shouting will have posts removed and could be subject to disciplinary action.
Word censor
FISO contains an in-built filter which replaces obscene and vulgar material with less offensive alternatives. This filter is there for a reason (mainly to prevent common swear words appearing on FISO) and any attempt to purposely circumvent its action will be treated as breaking the forum terms. Occasionally an entry in the filter may have an unintended side effect and change an obviously acceptable word. If this happens, please PM admin so that the issue can be looked into.
Post stalking
A few members have in the past followed others around the board and posted sarcastic or hurtful comments in response to many of their posts. We consider this harassment, and will delete such posts. Anyone engaging in this activity will be subject to disciplinary action. If you suspect you're being stalked in this way, contact a moderator.
Repeated posting of disruptive posts
Members who repeatedly post items that create disruption within forums will be subject to disciplinary action.
Spurious reporting
Reporting posts which do not break any of the rules here, or which do not significantly overstep any other standard of common courtesy and decency may lead to disciplinary action.
Abuse of private messaging and emails
FISO’s private messaging and e-mails obtained through FISO, while "private", still fall under the rules established here. They should not be used for commercial purposes, to send spam, to solicit cash payments or to threaten or harass members, moderators or admin. Members who use them to circumvent the rules of the community will be subject to disciplinary action. If you receive this type of communication, report it immediately. Do not publish it on the board. Communications of FISO members to FISO moderators are subject to review by other moderators at the discretion of the moderator recipient when deemed necessary for consultative purposes. Moderators reserve the right to share such private messages with other moderators and admin at any time.
Plugging blogs, sites, podcasts, apps, scripts, etc.
More frequently than most will think, a new ID is registered for a one time post to promote something or other (most often FPL related) on FISO, most of the time it will not get approval as a visible post. The content might be useful, then again maybe of lower quality than the ongoing discussions on a wide range of topics. The scripts/ apps may well benefit the users, or maybe contain something to fleece them. We have no way of knowing so they do not get moderator approval, don't waste your time and ours by registering with the sole intention of promoting yourself, your site, your blog, or anything else. FISO is a forum for discussion, not a free marketing tool for those with no interest in contributing to the community.
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
- FS Record: winning is a distant memory
- FPL:
Re: FISO Forum Rules
Moderation Policy
Discipline Purposes
Types of Discipline
Appeals Process
Discipline Purposes
The purpose of discipline for violating the rules is not to punish members, but to protect FISO users and to facilitate effective discussion in FISO forums. Moderators may consider all relevant facts before imposing discipline, including the likely effect of the member's conduct on the forum, the experience of the member, the nature of the violation and the history of discussion in the forum. Discipline may be imposed even if the member did not intend to violate the rules or even if similar conduct was tolerated earlier in the same or other forums.
Types of Discipline
If a moderator deems it effective, progressive discipline may be imposed for a rules violation. This means that in most cases a member will move along the following steps of progressively harder punishments for breaking the rules each time they are found to have done so. However, a moderator may still decide that an offence is more serious and move multiple steps through the progression in one go, skipping the steps in between.
1. Warning. The moderator identifies the member's improper conduct and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension or revocation of membership.
2. Suspension for 24 hours. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for 24 hours and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension for one week or revocation of membership.
3. Suspension for one week. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for one week and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension for one month or revocation of membership.
4. Suspension for one month. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for one month and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in revocation of membership.
5. The moderator revokes membership privileges for their username(s) for repeated or serious violations of the rules.
Members may also be selectively banned from posting on certain forums if the moderation team decide that this would be more effective than a blanket ban, and other punishments may be handed out such as a one-off 24 hour ban to allow a member time to cool off and regain their self-control when they are obviously very angry or upset about something and this is likely to escalate a situation to a disruptive level.
Appeals Process
Discipline imposed by the Head Moderator shall be final when imposed. If discipline was imposed by another moderator, the disciplined member may appeal to the Head Moderator within 20 days of imposition. The appeal shall set forth the details of the discipline imposed, including the moderator's stated reasons for it and a concise statement of basis of the member's appeal. To request an appeal, submit an email to with subject heading “Appeal Suspension". The Head Moderator's decision on the appeal shall be final when communicated to the member.
Not less than six months after revocation of membership, the former member may request reinstatement. The member shall address that request to the Head Moderator and set forth a concise statement identifying fairly the date and grounds of revocation and the basis for seeking reinstatement. If the request is denied, a later request for reinstatement may not be made until at least one additional year has passed, unless the decision denying reinstatement sets forth a shorter time period.
Legal Disclaimer
FISO reserves the right to remove any content posted on our site at any time for any reason and to organise topical forums in order to best serve the majority of our visitors and members. FISO reserves the right to revoke members' accounts. Decisions as to whether content violates our rules will be made by moderators and admin. FISO reserves the right to delete messages that violate applicable laws or that may be harmful to others. FISO does not have the ability to restrict conduct or communications that might violate our rules prior to transmission on the Internet, nor can we ensure prompt removal of offending forum posts. FISO reserves the right to limit access to specific forums to members who meet experience requirements or other criteria and to change those requirements at any time. The content of messages does not constitute approval or necessarily reflect the views of FISO. You participate at your own risk on the forums, in chat and in Private Messages. You take responsibility for postings under your identification and use the information provided here at your own risk. FISO takes no responsibility for the content or opinions posted here. FISO reserves the right to makes changes to the rules without notice. As it's impossible to address every issue that could arise on these forums, just because an issue is not covered in these rules, does not mean it will or will not be allowed. By posting to a forum or chat on FISO, you agree to abide by our rules.
About FISO
FISO was created in 2000 and the FISO Forums were started in August 2001 for the UK Fantasy Sports Community and moved to these php bulletin boards (phpbb) in October 2005. FISO stands for Fantasy & Interactive Sports Online.
Discipline Purposes
Types of Discipline
Appeals Process
Discipline Purposes
The purpose of discipline for violating the rules is not to punish members, but to protect FISO users and to facilitate effective discussion in FISO forums. Moderators may consider all relevant facts before imposing discipline, including the likely effect of the member's conduct on the forum, the experience of the member, the nature of the violation and the history of discussion in the forum. Discipline may be imposed even if the member did not intend to violate the rules or even if similar conduct was tolerated earlier in the same or other forums.
Types of Discipline
If a moderator deems it effective, progressive discipline may be imposed for a rules violation. This means that in most cases a member will move along the following steps of progressively harder punishments for breaking the rules each time they are found to have done so. However, a moderator may still decide that an offence is more serious and move multiple steps through the progression in one go, skipping the steps in between.
1. Warning. The moderator identifies the member's improper conduct and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension or revocation of membership.
2. Suspension for 24 hours. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for 24 hours and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension for one week or revocation of membership.
3. Suspension for one week. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for one week and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in suspension for one month or revocation of membership.
4. Suspension for one month. The moderator suspends a member violating the rules for one month and notifies the member that future violations of that or other rules will result in revocation of membership.
5. The moderator revokes membership privileges for their username(s) for repeated or serious violations of the rules.
Members may also be selectively banned from posting on certain forums if the moderation team decide that this would be more effective than a blanket ban, and other punishments may be handed out such as a one-off 24 hour ban to allow a member time to cool off and regain their self-control when they are obviously very angry or upset about something and this is likely to escalate a situation to a disruptive level.
Appeals Process
Discipline imposed by the Head Moderator shall be final when imposed. If discipline was imposed by another moderator, the disciplined member may appeal to the Head Moderator within 20 days of imposition. The appeal shall set forth the details of the discipline imposed, including the moderator's stated reasons for it and a concise statement of basis of the member's appeal. To request an appeal, submit an email to with subject heading “Appeal Suspension". The Head Moderator's decision on the appeal shall be final when communicated to the member.
Not less than six months after revocation of membership, the former member may request reinstatement. The member shall address that request to the Head Moderator and set forth a concise statement identifying fairly the date and grounds of revocation and the basis for seeking reinstatement. If the request is denied, a later request for reinstatement may not be made until at least one additional year has passed, unless the decision denying reinstatement sets forth a shorter time period.
Legal Disclaimer
FISO reserves the right to remove any content posted on our site at any time for any reason and to organise topical forums in order to best serve the majority of our visitors and members. FISO reserves the right to revoke members' accounts. Decisions as to whether content violates our rules will be made by moderators and admin. FISO reserves the right to delete messages that violate applicable laws or that may be harmful to others. FISO does not have the ability to restrict conduct or communications that might violate our rules prior to transmission on the Internet, nor can we ensure prompt removal of offending forum posts. FISO reserves the right to limit access to specific forums to members who meet experience requirements or other criteria and to change those requirements at any time. The content of messages does not constitute approval or necessarily reflect the views of FISO. You participate at your own risk on the forums, in chat and in Private Messages. You take responsibility for postings under your identification and use the information provided here at your own risk. FISO takes no responsibility for the content or opinions posted here. FISO reserves the right to makes changes to the rules without notice. As it's impossible to address every issue that could arise on these forums, just because an issue is not covered in these rules, does not mean it will or will not be allowed. By posting to a forum or chat on FISO, you agree to abide by our rules.
About FISO
FISO was created in 2000 and the FISO Forums were started in August 2001 for the UK Fantasy Sports Community and moved to these php bulletin boards (phpbb) in October 2005. FISO stands for Fantasy & Interactive Sports Online.
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
- FS Record: winning is a distant memory
- FPL:
Re: FISO Forum Rules
Rules and Guidelines Regarding Mini-Leagues, Side Games and Competitions.
These should be run for the benefit, enjoyment and best interests of FISO and all legitimate members.
"Official/ Main" Mini-Leagues will be chaired either by a member of the moderating team or by another long standing member by agreement with the moderating team. The granting of such permission is a responsibility and a privilege - not a licence to take control - so it is incumbent on all FISO league chairmen to act in the best interests of FISO when conducting their chairman's role. This includes admitting all legitimate members of the league. In most cases whoever chaired any given league previously will be given first refusal to continue to do so. It is not essential for a mini-league to be created within hours of a game going live, please give the likely chair a reasonable chance to check on rule and prize structure changes before creating a mini-league. If there is any game that you desire an official/ main ML to be created for then please contact Vid, Mystery or another Moderator known to be active in that game/ sport for a chair to be appointed and ML created.
Generally any required code/ pin/ password will be published in the first post of the appropriate thread for that ML, occasionally there will be a requirement to request details from the chair either by direct pm or by posting to the thread identifying yourself and team(s) before acceptance, so please read the relevant thread and follow any reasonable requirements stated within. If you are new to FISO and have not passed our post approval threshold (usually set at 3-5 posts) the private message facility will not be active.
Where a ML, Side Game or Competition promoted on FISO can win a prize of any description to be distributed by the chair (however unlikely winning may be) it is necessary to include in the first post how that prize will be distributed, also the breakdown of distribution of any other prizes through collection of entry fees or donations along with the following disclaimer:
If you decide to join a mini-league/ side game/ competition promoted on FISO then you do so at your own risk. Whilst FISO has taken steps to put a Moderator as Chairman of "Official/Main" FISO Leagues, we may not be able to help you should he/she decide not to distribute the prize he/she has won. A mini-league/ side game/ competition set up using the FISO forums is not the responsibility of FISO Ltd or its Director.
If you want to join a non-official mini-league then you should try and put in place some form of written agreement between the participants and the chairman (using real life names) with regard to the distribution of any prize won. This could be based upon a standard syndicate type agreements - showing the membership and how winnings are paid out. These should be signed but at least do an exchange of private messages.
If you do not receive the share of winnings you were expecting then do not blame FISO Ltd. You were warned.
Posts promoting MLs, Side Games or Competitions where a prize may be won and/ or an entry fee collected will not be permitted from any poster that has not been a member for at least 12 months, not posted actively within the previous 3 months or not achieved a minimum post count of 250.
If you are promoting your ML on FISO it would be appreciated that you include "FISO" in the ML title to promote this website.
These should be run for the benefit, enjoyment and best interests of FISO and all legitimate members.
"Official/ Main" Mini-Leagues will be chaired either by a member of the moderating team or by another long standing member by agreement with the moderating team. The granting of such permission is a responsibility and a privilege - not a licence to take control - so it is incumbent on all FISO league chairmen to act in the best interests of FISO when conducting their chairman's role. This includes admitting all legitimate members of the league. In most cases whoever chaired any given league previously will be given first refusal to continue to do so. It is not essential for a mini-league to be created within hours of a game going live, please give the likely chair a reasonable chance to check on rule and prize structure changes before creating a mini-league. If there is any game that you desire an official/ main ML to be created for then please contact Vid, Mystery or another Moderator known to be active in that game/ sport for a chair to be appointed and ML created.
Generally any required code/ pin/ password will be published in the first post of the appropriate thread for that ML, occasionally there will be a requirement to request details from the chair either by direct pm or by posting to the thread identifying yourself and team(s) before acceptance, so please read the relevant thread and follow any reasonable requirements stated within. If you are new to FISO and have not passed our post approval threshold (usually set at 3-5 posts) the private message facility will not be active.
Where a ML, Side Game or Competition promoted on FISO can win a prize of any description to be distributed by the chair (however unlikely winning may be) it is necessary to include in the first post how that prize will be distributed, also the breakdown of distribution of any other prizes through collection of entry fees or donations along with the following disclaimer:
If you decide to join a mini-league/ side game/ competition promoted on FISO then you do so at your own risk. Whilst FISO has taken steps to put a Moderator as Chairman of "Official/Main" FISO Leagues, we may not be able to help you should he/she decide not to distribute the prize he/she has won. A mini-league/ side game/ competition set up using the FISO forums is not the responsibility of FISO Ltd or its Director.
If you want to join a non-official mini-league then you should try and put in place some form of written agreement between the participants and the chairman (using real life names) with regard to the distribution of any prize won. This could be based upon a standard syndicate type agreements - showing the membership and how winnings are paid out. These should be signed but at least do an exchange of private messages.
If you do not receive the share of winnings you were expecting then do not blame FISO Ltd. You were warned.
Posts promoting MLs, Side Games or Competitions where a prize may be won and/ or an entry fee collected will not be permitted from any poster that has not been a member for at least 12 months, not posted actively within the previous 3 months or not achieved a minimum post count of 250.
If you are promoting your ML on FISO it would be appreciated that you include "FISO" in the ML title to promote this website.
- Vid
- Head Moderator
- Posts: 22155
- Joined: 13 Oct 2005, 18:33
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Re: FISO Forum Rules
FPL's 2020-21 T&CS has included this new rule
12. Players (and Players on behalf of others and organisations) can establish mini-leagues in accordance with the Game Rules. The Premier League does not permit Players charging for entry to mini-leagues they have created, strongly encourages Players not to join such leagues and cannot be held responsible for their management or any loss suffered through Players’ involvement in such leagues. The Premier League reserves the right to suspend and delete Registrations of Players that charge entry to mini-leagues they have created.
It would be wise for such leagues NOT to be promoted on an open forum and maybe a bit of extra thought given when naming a league for those that decide to go ahead regardless. Anyone that does decide to promote such a league using FISO's facilities (open/ private forums, private messages) must make any potential participants fully aware of the new rule along with the possibility that both the league and the chair/ stakeholder could disappear from the game without warning.
12. Players (and Players on behalf of others and organisations) can establish mini-leagues in accordance with the Game Rules. The Premier League does not permit Players charging for entry to mini-leagues they have created, strongly encourages Players not to join such leagues and cannot be held responsible for their management or any loss suffered through Players’ involvement in such leagues. The Premier League reserves the right to suspend and delete Registrations of Players that charge entry to mini-leagues they have created.
It would be wise for such leagues NOT to be promoted on an open forum and maybe a bit of extra thought given when naming a league for those that decide to go ahead regardless. Anyone that does decide to promote such a league using FISO's facilities (open/ private forums, private messages) must make any potential participants fully aware of the new rule along with the possibility that both the league and the chair/ stakeholder could disappear from the game without warning.
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